In a few days from now, I will be doing a new Excel VBA project for a more-than-2-year-old client. The new project will require me to produce pivot-table reports from an external data source. This kind of requirement is usually easy because Excel PivotTable already supports external source of data. But the problem with this project, they are requiring me to come up with an Excel VBA program that be used to connect with different database platform. As I was thinking about the solution of this problem, I’ve posted to different Excel VBA forum to seek for help. No one has given me the complete answer but while I was reviewing their suggestions, I tried to put them together and came up with the correct solution. Truly forums are very helpful. Below is the sample source code of the database connection string builder that can provide different OLEDB connectivity programmatically:
Function GetConnectionString() As String
Dim objLink As New MSDASC.DataLinks
Dim strConnectionString As String
strConnectionString = ""
On Error GoTo LinkErr
strConnectionString = objLink.PromptNew
GetConnectionString = strConnectionString
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim strCN As String
strCN = GetConnectionString
If strCN <> "" Then
MsgBox strCN
End If
End Sub
The heart of the code is the GetConnectionString procedure. It uses the MSDASC.DataLinks object. But before you can use this code you need to load 2 object files from Microsoft. They are:
1.) Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library (or later version)
2.) Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library
See: Referencing Objects
When MSDASC.DataLinks generates a connection string, it stores the value in strConnectionString variable and eventually, it is the value to be returned by the GetConnectionString function.
) Microsoft OLE DB Service Com
ponent 1
I prefer using the approach in the link below to connect to the database and call query that I have developed in Access for example. It is a matter of taste and like :)